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Jelen honlap a Duna-Dráva Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság hivatalos honlapja ( Az egyéb más oldalakon található, Duna-Dráva Nemzeti Park Igazgatósággal kapcsolatos információkért nem vállalunk felelősséget.
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» Tourism » Cave Adventure in Mecsek Hills
Cave Adventure in Mecsek Hills

A real adventure – the cave of the Mészégető springs

The cave of the Mészégető springs can be found in Orfű, not far from the Orfű lake. This is a cave of varying sizes, with an active stream in it. It is unique because of its solved shapes and waterfalls, and a typical feature of this cave is a black coating on the stones.

The “wild” cave with no infrastructure can be visited after prior request, with guide, for a fee. The tour is 400 metres long. The visitors are provided with the equipment necessary for the tour by Duna-Drava National Park Directorate.

The average width of the cave is 1 m, while its height is between 1.5 and  3 metres. Its entrance is small, its height is only some 60 cm, 2 metres wide and the first, 1.5 m high and 2 m diameter hall before the syphon can only be accessed on all fours.

Having gone through the first syphon, the visitor has to cope with a silt layer of 20-30 cm. At the narrow places, you have to squeeze yourself through, then you will have to walk in waist-deep water. You will forget all the difficulties when you see the sights inside the cave: waterfalls, stone blades, cauldrons, limestone pavements, shell-shaped holes, deepened by the streaming water, smaller or bigger dripstones, and miniature petrified waves.


Conditions of participation:

Participants must be 14 years old or older.
In case of youngsters between 14-18, we request a written permission from the parents.
A qualified guide accompanies the participants.

Tours start on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons.

Participation fee: 5300 HUF per person, which includes guidance, coverall, helmet, head lamp, and insurance.

Group size: min. 4, max. 8 people

 Previous registration is necessary!


Cave: N 46°08,535 E18°09,118 Altitude: 202 m
Car park: N 46°08,550 E18°09,132 Altitude: 196 m


Duna-Dráva Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság
7625 Pécs, Tettye tér 9.
2016. 06. 28. Oldal nyomtatása
©2005 A KvVM
Természetvédelmi Hivatala